Sacramento Colon and Rectal Surgery

Anal Abscess

Colon and Rectal Surgeon located in Sacramento and Roseville, CA

Anal Abscess services offered in Sacramento and Roseville, CA

Persistent anal pain and fever may be the first warning signs of an anal abscess. At Sacramento Colon and Rectal Surgery Medical Group, the experienced physicians provide high-quality care for anal abscesses in adults. They can confirm your diagnosis and create a treatment plan to clear the infected abscess and ease your symptoms. Call the office in Sacramento, and Roseville California, to schedule an evaluation for symptoms of an anal abscess, or book an appointment online today.

Anal Abscess Q & A

What is an anal abscess?

An anal abscess occurs when pus builds up in and around the anus due to an infection in the anal glands. You could also develop an anal abscess if fecal matter or other debris clogs an anal gland and tunnels into the tissue nearby.

The experts at Sacramento Colon and Rectal Surgery Medical Group offer comprehensive care for anal abscesses, including diagnostic evaluations and treatment services.

When should I seek medical care for an anal abscess? 

You should schedule an evaluation at Sacramento Colon and Rectal Surgery Medical Group if you have symptoms of an anal abscess, such as:

  • Fever
  • Anal pain
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Rectal bleeding

You might also experience pain during urination or difficulty starting a urine stream due to an anal abscess.

During an evaluation, your provider checks your anus for visible signs of an abscess. They may also complete a digital rectal exam to confirm an abscess. In some cases, an ultrasound or other diagnostic imaging test might be necessary to identify a deeper abscess.

How is an anal abscess treated? 

The goal of treating an anal abscess is to drain the infected pus from your skin. Your Sacramento Colon and Rectal Surgery Medical Group provider makes a small incision in the infected area to allow the pus to drain.

Your doctor can provide a local anesthetic to keep you comfortable. If the abscess is deep, you may need general anesthesia, so you can be fully relaxed during surgery. 

After your procedure, you may need to take antibiotics to clear the infection completely. An abscess can return if you have improper hygiene habits, a weak immune system, or chronic health issues like diabetes.

Your provider monitors the healing of your incision and may suggest lifestyle and diet changes to prevent additional infections. They may also recommend follow-up visits to lower your risk for recurrent abscesses if you’re at high risk due to existing health issues. 

Call the Sacramento Colon and Rectal Surgery Medical Group office near you to schedule a diagnostic evaluation for symptoms of an anal abscess, or book an appointment online today