Sacramento Colon and Rectal Surgery


Colon and Rectal Surgeon located in Sacramento and Roseville, CA

Hemorrhoids services offered in Sacramento and Roseville, CA

Hemorrhoids are uncomfortable and develop when blood vessels swell up in and around the anus and lower rectum. While hemorrhoids usually improve on their own with home remedies and care, sometimes they are severe enough to need medical intervention. The Sacramento Colon and Rectal Surgery Medical Group, with offices in Sacramento, and Roseville, California, perform all the common surgical treatments for hemorrhoids, including various painless, minimally invasive options. To schedule an appointment, use the online scheduling tool or call the office today.

Hemorrhoids Q & A

What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids, sometimes called piles, are swollen blood vessels in the anus and lower rectum. Sometimes this results from straining on the toilet or from the pressure created by pregnancy, but many people have hemorrhoids for no apparent reason. Hemorrhoids are prevalent and uncomfortable, but fortunately, multiple effective treatment options exist.

What are the common symptoms of hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoid symptoms are different depending on their location, but general signs you have hemorrhoids include:

  • Bright red blood in your stool
  • Itching or irritation around the anus
  • Pain, discomfort, and swelling around the anus

Internal hemorrhoids occur inside the rectum so people rarely see or feel them. However, continuing to strain with internal hemorrhoids can cause them to prolapse or protrude from the anus, which can be very painful.

External hemorrhoids are under the skin around the anus and may bleed when irritated. In some cases, a thrombosed hemorrhoid complication can cause a painful lump to appear near your anus. 

How do I treat my hemorrhoids?

While hemorrhoids can be painful and unpleasant, you have various effective treatment options. Most people can treat their hemorrhoids with simple home remedies like:

  • Topical treatments, over-the-counter hemorrhoid creams
  • Hydrocortisone suppositories
  • High-fiber foods, like vegetables and whole grains
  • Refraining from straining on the toilet
  • Soaking in a warm bath for 10 to 15 minutes at a time
  • Oral pain relievers like ibuprofen
  • Avoiding dry toilet paper in favor of wet toilettes

If your hemorrhoids are more recurrent or severe, your provider may recommend one of several treatments to relieve them. One of the more common techniques is called rubber band ligation, or hemorrhoid banding, where a band is used to ease symptoms by stopping blood flow to the hemorrhoid.

In addition to the traditional surgery used, a hemorrhoidectomy, your provider performs hemorrhoid energy therapy (HET) and transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization (THD). HET and THD are state-of-the-art, minimally invasive procedures that cause the least pain of any surgical option to remove hemorrhoids.

For more information, check out our YouTube channel. 

If your hemorrhoids are too severe for home remedies, schedule an appointment with The Sacramento Colon and Rectal Surgery Medical Group. To do so, you can call the office closest to you or make an appointment online.