Sacramento Colon and Rectal Surgery


Colon and Rectal Surgeon located in Sacramento and Roseville, CA

Rectocele services offered in Sacramento and Roseville, CA

A noticeable bulge in your vagina may be the first indication of rectocele. At Sacramento Colon and Rectal Surgery Medical Group, the experienced physicians diagnose rectocele in women with bothersome symptoms like difficulties passing stool and pain during sex. The surgeons customize a care plan using nonsurgical or surgical treatments to restore the strength of your pelvic floor tissues so you can enjoy long-lasting symptom relief. Call the office in Sacramento, or Roseville, California, to schedule a rectocele consultation, or book an appointment online today. 

Rectocele Q & A

What is rectocele?

Rectocele, also known as posterior vaginal prolapse, is weakness in the tissues between the vagina and rectum. This weakness causes the front wall of your rectum to bulge into the vagina.

Many women develop rectoceles after vaginal delivery. You might also be prone to the condition if you frequently strain during bowel movements due to chronic constipation or if you have a long-lasting cough. Being overweight or obese can also pressure and weaken the tissues.

Sacramento Colon and Rectal Surgery Medical Group provides diagnostic testing and treatment services for rectocele and its symptoms.

When should I seek medical care for rectocele?

You should schedule a diagnostic evaluation at Sacramento Colon and Rectal Surgery Medical Group if you have noticeable rectocele symptoms like:

  • Bulge of tissue in the vagina
  • Difficulties having a bowel movement
  • Pressure in the rectum
  • Sexual dissatisfaction

You may be prone to prolapse of other pelvic organs, such as your uterus or bladder, along with rectocele.

Your provider completes a physical exam and assesses the size and degree of the rectocele using a barium test called a defecogram. During this test, they use X-ray technology to evaluate your pelvic floor muscles and organs.

Based on the results, your doctor creates a treatment plan to improve bowel movements and ease other symptoms.

How is rectocele treated?

Your initial treatment for rectocele may include taking stool softeners and increasing your fiber intake to make bowel movements easier. You might also benefit from pelvic floor exercises that strengthen the muscles supporting your pelvic floor organs.

If you have rectal pressure or sexual wellness concerns, you may be a candidate for surgery. Sacramento Colon and Rectal Surgery Medical Group uses several advanced techniques to repair tissue weakness. 

Your surgeon can also reposition other prolapsed pelvic organs and secure them in place to address issues like urinary incontinence and pain during sex.

To prevent additional tissue weakness, follow a healthy diet and exercise plan to maintain a healthy body weight. And be mindful when lifting heavy objects.

Call the Sacramento Colon and Rectal Surgery Medical Group office near you to schedule a diagnostic evaluation for rectocele symptoms or book an appointment online today.